Welcome to movieleadership.com
Hi there, and thanks for stopping by : )
This site is all about finding inspiration from movies – not just for better leadership, but for living more fulfilling and productive lives.
I write about aspects of leadership, communication, influencing and personal development and where you can find these concepts illustrated in movies. After all, movies are instructive, engaging and inspiring. They can play a big part in making learning more fun.
If you’re a teacher, trainer or educator you might find the examples helpful in your work. If you’re not, I hope you’ll still find some useful and interesting content.
I’ve written about my favourite leadership movies in The Top 10 Leadership Movies which you can download for free. If you want specific scenes which illustrate particular leadership behaviours, check out my eBooks – 100 Movie Scenes Which Highlight Great Leadership and The Movie Guide to Communicating, Presenting & Influencing. Or search the blog archive for more ideas.
I hope you’ll find the site useful. If you’re got your own thoughts please let me know in the blog comments or via email. I’d love to hear your views.
Dave Wraith